Friday, February 23, 2007



Matthew Sohn
Sound Track
This scene is when the main character got wounded seriously on the leg because of the mortar explosion. He thought he was dead but three working partners carried him to the hospital. However while they carry him to the hospital they dropped him by accident and again because of second bomb explosion. As a result, the main character reacts with violent words.

Gordini-> DMX “Get it on the floor”
“Get it on the floor get it get it on the floor”
I think this lyric best fit for this character. He was the one who told the main character that he was scared of the bomb, and also he takes his word as a reason why he dropped him. Get it on the floor!
Tenente (main character) ->Dr.Dre Ackrite
“When I see you on the spot just ackrite”
This lyric is perfect for this character. Because he was dropped twice by his co-worker, he considers them as lack of responsibility and feels outrageous.
Gavuzzi-> Papoose “Fruits of a labor
“Looking for me? I am ahead you son”
This character is hard working guy in this story. However he drops the main character with Gordini. But he works hard and deserves to be ahead of others.
Manera-> Fall out boys “calm before storm”
“Calm before storm set it on and the sun burn at tonight”
Because Manera comes out as a commander and has to fight in the war all the time there will be some time to calm before storm!

Monday, February 19, 2007

TRJ(Five star quote)

Matthew Sohn

Five star quote (Humorous)
My book is about love between English nurse and American Ambulance driver. The whole story is based on World War one. Start of the love was ambulance driver meeting English nurse Miss Barkley with his friend lieutenant Rinaldi. Funning thing was Rinaldi was supposed to go with Miss Barkley; however he changed a target to Miss Barkley’s friend. I can see why Italians goes out with millions of girls.
Start of a new relationship goes to people with unexpected event. In the story lieutenant Rinaldi first ask for money to the main character to go out with Miss Barkley. He always thinks about her beautiful grey eyes. The respond of the main character interested me. He said to his buddy “Go to Hell” (page 13, Farwell to arms, Ernest Hemingway) and gave his good money. This humorous and funny respond motivated me to give a 5 star. It came to me as a bitter respond in the first time but suddenly I found out it is similar to jealousy of a good friend.
The result of loaning money to his friend showed an ironic perspective. Rinaldi had enough money from his buddy to catch a girl but goes to other girl. The main character gets the attention of the girl that Rinaldi always wished to go out with. The respond seems to be a small part of the story. However because this story is based on war time, I think author tried to give a brighter color to the story in order to clarify his thoughts.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Author's attitude was funny!! While he was working in a office, he was making fun of his boss's tone, his attitude toward his employers and his physical appeareance. Today I read a small amount of book.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


The part I read today especially author's attitude was mild then the previous one. In this part the main character was talking about his daily life. Even he thought that his life will change in certain way, basically it didn't really changed. The over all impression of the chapter 2 was "nothing special".

Monday, February 5, 2007


Febuary 5th
The main character and narrator's attitudes toward the characters coming out from the story really impressed me. Most of their attitudes were satire, for instance when he was describing a nurse from the church he said "She had a remarkable voice which didn't go with her face at all". I rarely saw a mean author. At the end part what really shocked me was the main character's thoughts toward Perez(old man coming out from the story). He really gave a bad words in his mind to the old man's wrinckles.