Monday, February 19, 2007

TRJ(Five star quote)

Matthew Sohn

Five star quote (Humorous)
My book is about love between English nurse and American Ambulance driver. The whole story is based on World War one. Start of the love was ambulance driver meeting English nurse Miss Barkley with his friend lieutenant Rinaldi. Funning thing was Rinaldi was supposed to go with Miss Barkley; however he changed a target to Miss Barkley’s friend. I can see why Italians goes out with millions of girls.
Start of a new relationship goes to people with unexpected event. In the story lieutenant Rinaldi first ask for money to the main character to go out with Miss Barkley. He always thinks about her beautiful grey eyes. The respond of the main character interested me. He said to his buddy “Go to Hell” (page 13, Farwell to arms, Ernest Hemingway) and gave his good money. This humorous and funny respond motivated me to give a 5 star. It came to me as a bitter respond in the first time but suddenly I found out it is similar to jealousy of a good friend.
The result of loaning money to his friend showed an ironic perspective. Rinaldi had enough money from his buddy to catch a girl but goes to other girl. The main character gets the attention of the girl that Rinaldi always wished to go out with. The respond seems to be a small part of the story. However because this story is based on war time, I think author tried to give a brighter color to the story in order to clarify his thoughts.

1 comment:

James said...

it seems like a great book to read. But not just any type of romance but a very intresting one. Usually any type of romance will be meeting at a coffee shop but they meet in a very weird way with very different jobs. I think i might want to read this book since i like some what drama type of literature.