Thursday, March 8, 2007

TRJ (Writer's craft)

Writer's craft

Matthew Sohn

While I was reading this part many symbols attracted me. In this part however came to me as a cheesy scene.
After the main character got injured, he suffered from his wound. He almost had to remove his own leg. However fortunately he met a smart Italian doctor and finally heals. However in his heart, he felt emptiness. He missed Catherine. As a result he started to ask other nurse when is she coming back to her duty. Neither the nurses from the hospital weren't able to answer that question and didn't want to answer it. His emptiness got bigger and bigger.
During in his healing period, he had a little faith about one day he will have Catherine in his arm and treat her with respect. And the reward came in a sudden. Catherine was assign to his hospital for night duty. As a result evert night main character and Catherine had a good time.
As soon as his leg was healed, he took out Catherine to downtown in Milan. In this part I found a awesome symbol. While they were having a good conversation rain was slowly dropping from the dark sky. And according to the text, "Fog made the light yellow"(page #150). I took the yellowish fog as a symbol for filling up the emptiness of the main character's heart which also can be reflected in terms of reward for his patience.
Personally I was glad that the main character finally found his normal routine of his life by filling his heart.


Michael Kim said...

I disagree with the author about saying that love can fill up someone’s emptiness. I know it sounds perfect to some people, but I know that it is not true, based on what I hear and what I have experienced. I think the author leads the readers to believe a false idea, that love can make everything be okay, as the author of the book finds out for himself. So many young kids these days are always looking for the right partner, trying to fill up their emptiness with affection from the opposite sex. Most of this is in vain, because even if they do fill whole, it is only temporary and emptiness will soon follow. I think books like these encourage young people to find love by appealing to their loneliness. I think your idea about the symbol is great. I agree with what you said.

slayershua said...

Well.... I agree with the author about saying that love can fill up someone's emptiness. because I saw in the movies or drama that every couples fill up their emptiness with their love. but we can have different opinion. but if you going to be older..? will will going to change your opinion hahaha bye...

Alex Kim said...

I agree with the author saying that love can fill up someone's emptiness. Maybe because I am a young teenager. But if I become an old man, I might not agree with the author. Anyway what the author said is quite agreeable for me.