Thursday, March 8, 2007

TRJ(writer's craft)

Matthew Sohn

Writer's craft (foreshadowing)

In this part Catherine and the main character struggles with relationship. Catherine tells him about the baby that she had for 3 mounth. She kept tell him not to worry about what will happen. She tried to avoid the situation by telling him to have a dinner at downtown and confirming his and her relationship. To me the whole situation seems absurd. How could man turn his back on a girl who has his child? The way she acted and the way she talked to the main character seem to contain more things that I can't understand with my knowledge.
The foreshowding starts in one hotel that they went one night. They kept had the conversation about their relationship, their family and the marriage. And they finally reach the point when the girl can take any more. Catherine said that she counldn't take any more and at that moment they here the rain dropping (page 154). I took that as a foreshadowing. Dropping rain means the climax of the couple's relationship.
However in the end I realized that it was not a complicated thing than I thought. They got better eating a dinner in their room and drinking wine. And after the dinner they went back and started to have a conversation about their future. The whole romantic thing seems splendid in my eyes. However like the drop of the rain it can temporally drop apart or permanently. I can't really get the couple's mind. May be I need to be more mature.

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