Thursday, March 8, 2007

Matthew Sohn TRJ

TRJ (Prediction)Matthew Sohn
The part I was going to read is about difficulty in love between and Catherine. The main character didn’t treat with his whole heart to Catherine, and some how after he gets drunk, he starts to feel sorry for her. As a result he decided to meet her after the harsh offensive between Austria and alliance (End of the Chapter 7). However Miss Ferguson, one of the nurses working in the hospital shows up. I choose this part to predict because it makes me nervous about what will happen. Is Miss. Ferguson a sign of meeting with Catherine? Or, Is Catherine going to give a sign of rejection? What will happen to those two characters? I tried to think in a positive way. Firstly, the main character will ask Miss. Ferguson for Barkley. Where is she? And the person will come out and give him a hug and ask how the war was and his condition. After that they will stay the same as usual.When I go back and read the part again, I realized that my prediction didn’t make any sense. Miss Ferguson was not a positive sign for the main character. She sends him away, by giving a simple reason “She’s not awfully well” (page 41) which means she doesn’t want to meet you or it is not a proper time to meet. After I read this part I felt really sorry for the main character, and like the story proves, nobody can predict the woman’s mind.

Matthew Sohn TRJ (Correspondence)

Matthew Sohn


Throughout the year I found out a similar character between this story and other book, "The stranger" by Albert Camus. From the stranger like from this story, the character also faces the problem with his girl friend and relation ships. The first corresponding thing we can find is parent problem. The main character from this story didn't see his dad in his entire life and from The Stranger, main character only go visits his mom during funeral.
Second thing that corresponds is relationship between a girl. The main character from the story I’m reading right now, struggles with relationship because of the decision of marriage. Woman side prefers to postpone the marriage because of the reckless attitude of the main character and the war. In "The Stranger" main character has a characteristic that only concern about his own happiness and tendency of ignorant toward his environment. Because of that characteristic, he has a problem with relationship. He doesn't know how to love the girl. And the result ended up having an incomplete relationship.
Third thing that corresponds is character's attitude. They both don't deeply concern about their girl's mind. Story that I am reading right now shows man being addicted to girl. Despite the fact that it is a war time and the women clarify about the marriage issue, the main character simply shows a reckless attitude. In "The stranger" woman ask a man to marry him but due to the ignorant attitude they couldn't see the final destination.

TRJ(writer's craft)

Matthew Sohn

Writer's craft (foreshadowing)

In this part Catherine and the main character struggles with relationship. Catherine tells him about the baby that she had for 3 mounth. She kept tell him not to worry about what will happen. She tried to avoid the situation by telling him to have a dinner at downtown and confirming his and her relationship. To me the whole situation seems absurd. How could man turn his back on a girl who has his child? The way she acted and the way she talked to the main character seem to contain more things that I can't understand with my knowledge.
The foreshowding starts in one hotel that they went one night. They kept had the conversation about their relationship, their family and the marriage. And they finally reach the point when the girl can take any more. Catherine said that she counldn't take any more and at that moment they here the rain dropping (page 154). I took that as a foreshadowing. Dropping rain means the climax of the couple's relationship.
However in the end I realized that it was not a complicated thing than I thought. They got better eating a dinner in their room and drinking wine. And after the dinner they went back and started to have a conversation about their future. The whole romantic thing seems splendid in my eyes. However like the drop of the rain it can temporally drop apart or permanently. I can't really get the couple's mind. May be I need to be more mature.

TRJ (Writer's craft)

Writer's craft

Matthew Sohn

While I was reading this part many symbols attracted me. In this part however came to me as a cheesy scene.
After the main character got injured, he suffered from his wound. He almost had to remove his own leg. However fortunately he met a smart Italian doctor and finally heals. However in his heart, he felt emptiness. He missed Catherine. As a result he started to ask other nurse when is she coming back to her duty. Neither the nurses from the hospital weren't able to answer that question and didn't want to answer it. His emptiness got bigger and bigger.
During in his healing period, he had a little faith about one day he will have Catherine in his arm and treat her with respect. And the reward came in a sudden. Catherine was assign to his hospital for night duty. As a result evert night main character and Catherine had a good time.
As soon as his leg was healed, he took out Catherine to downtown in Milan. In this part I found a awesome symbol. While they were having a good conversation rain was slowly dropping from the dark sky. And according to the text, "Fog made the light yellow"(page #150). I took the yellowish fog as a symbol for filling up the emptiness of the main character's heart which also can be reflected in terms of reward for his patience.
Personally I was glad that the main character finally found his normal routine of his life by filling his heart.

Friday, February 23, 2007



Matthew Sohn
Sound Track
This scene is when the main character got wounded seriously on the leg because of the mortar explosion. He thought he was dead but three working partners carried him to the hospital. However while they carry him to the hospital they dropped him by accident and again because of second bomb explosion. As a result, the main character reacts with violent words.

Gordini-> DMX “Get it on the floor”
“Get it on the floor get it get it on the floor”
I think this lyric best fit for this character. He was the one who told the main character that he was scared of the bomb, and also he takes his word as a reason why he dropped him. Get it on the floor!
Tenente (main character) ->Dr.Dre Ackrite
“When I see you on the spot just ackrite”
This lyric is perfect for this character. Because he was dropped twice by his co-worker, he considers them as lack of responsibility and feels outrageous.
Gavuzzi-> Papoose “Fruits of a labor
“Looking for me? I am ahead you son”
This character is hard working guy in this story. However he drops the main character with Gordini. But he works hard and deserves to be ahead of others.
Manera-> Fall out boys “calm before storm”
“Calm before storm set it on and the sun burn at tonight”
Because Manera comes out as a commander and has to fight in the war all the time there will be some time to calm before storm!

Monday, February 19, 2007

TRJ(Five star quote)

Matthew Sohn

Five star quote (Humorous)
My book is about love between English nurse and American Ambulance driver. The whole story is based on World War one. Start of the love was ambulance driver meeting English nurse Miss Barkley with his friend lieutenant Rinaldi. Funning thing was Rinaldi was supposed to go with Miss Barkley; however he changed a target to Miss Barkley’s friend. I can see why Italians goes out with millions of girls.
Start of a new relationship goes to people with unexpected event. In the story lieutenant Rinaldi first ask for money to the main character to go out with Miss Barkley. He always thinks about her beautiful grey eyes. The respond of the main character interested me. He said to his buddy “Go to Hell” (page 13, Farwell to arms, Ernest Hemingway) and gave his good money. This humorous and funny respond motivated me to give a 5 star. It came to me as a bitter respond in the first time but suddenly I found out it is similar to jealousy of a good friend.
The result of loaning money to his friend showed an ironic perspective. Rinaldi had enough money from his buddy to catch a girl but goes to other girl. The main character gets the attention of the girl that Rinaldi always wished to go out with. The respond seems to be a small part of the story. However because this story is based on war time, I think author tried to give a brighter color to the story in order to clarify his thoughts.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Author's attitude was funny!! While he was working in a office, he was making fun of his boss's tone, his attitude toward his employers and his physical appeareance. Today I read a small amount of book.